MyFitnessPal and Under Armour are joining forces, forming the world’s largest digital health and fitness community with over 120 million members! The Under Armour Connected Fitness suite of apps also includes:
Under Armour RECORD – a complete 24/7 fitness dashboard (Download: Android | iOS)
MapMyFitness – the industry leading GPS based fitness tracker (Download: Android | iOS)
Endomondo – the most social and advanced personal training app in the world (Download: Android | iOS)
Rest assured, your experience with MyFitnessPal will not change. Our products, services and team will remain the same. MyFitnessPal will still be free to use, you own your data and Under Armour will never sell it to any third parties. We will also continue to sync with your wearable devices and fitness apps.
We know you’ll find the next generation of our community to be an even more powerful part of your happy, healthy, active life.
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