| | “I had to tell myself that if I can get up every day and brush my teeth, I can do this: I’m worth it. I’m going to choose to take care of myself.”  | | | The small mental shift you might need to make your weight loss click....  | | | Guarantee you always have a healthy dinner on hand, with these 15 make-ahead recipes!  | | | "I discovered a personal relationship with running that made me feel like a champion simply for lacing up my sneakers."
 | | | Feeling intimidated by the weight room? This easy guide will introduce you to the basics....  | | | Storing your meals in mason jars is a fun way to eat healthy, while controlling portion size.  | | | Check out the latest and greatest fitness gear from Under Armour!  | | | If you're not sure what to eat while traveling, here are 15 dietitian-approved choices to keep on hand....  | | | | | | |
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