Dienstag, 22. September 2020

Action required: Account Deletion Instructions

Follow these instructions to delete your Fitbit account

We received your request to permanently delete your Fitbit account. To complete this process, click the button below within 24 hours. If you didn't delete this account, please let us know, and we recommend that you change your password.

Did you know?

  • If you want to set up a new or replacement Fitbit device, you can add the new device to your existing account--no need to delete your account. For more information, please see our help article.
  • If you want to change your email address, you can do so without deleting your account. For more information, please see our help article.
  • If you're the owner of a family account, when you delete your account, the accounts of any children on your account are also deleted.
  • Before you delete your account, you may want to download a copy of your info from Fitbit.

Account deletion timeline

  • First 7 days: If you change your mind after you confirm your request to have your account deleted, you have 7 days to recover it--log in to your account to restore access to your Fitbit data.
  • After 7 days: Your account is frozen and can't be recovered.
  • Within 30-90 days: Most of your personal account info is deleted within 30 days of when you confirm your deletion request. This includes any subscriptions you have, like for Fitbit Coach. It may take up to 90 days to delete all of your personal info, like the data recorded by your Fitbit device and other data stored in our backup systems. This is due to the size and complexity of the systems we use to store data.

Please note that we may preserve data for legal reasons or to prevent harm as described in our Privacy Policy.


If you don't confirm your request to delete your account in the next 24 hours, your account will remain active. If you no longer want to delete your account, ignore this email and use your account as normal.

Having trouble? Just copy and paste this link into your browser:
Need help? Visit help.fitbit.com

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