Hey guys,
Let me know if you can benefit from my expertise or know the right department to forward me to.
Just casually coldmailing here ;)
I'm a 8+ years experienced senior UI / UX design freelancer & consultant, have worked for companies like Skype, Siemens or even Facebook.
Being an absolutely passionate product person,
I'm always looking to collaborate with companies that have technology embedded in their core business and a high leverage through the user experience.
Let me know if you can benefit from my expertise or know the right department to forward me to.
I'd be happy to chit chat.
Check me out: www.daniel-seiler.com
Daniel Seiler
9x Award winning designer (category UI/UX)
Freelancing designer
Field expert consultant at Hackerbay.com
Founder of Wizart Labs
Germany – Rheinsberger Str 73, 10115 Berlin
Switzerland – CH5080 Laufenburg, Aargau
Mobile +491639782558
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