Mittwoch, 16. November 2011

Oracle 1Z0-610 Certification Test - Education - Tutoring

Siebel CRM On Demand 2006 administrator 1Z0-610 Test

Exam Name: Siebel CRM On Demand 2006 administrator ExamExam Type: OracleExam Code: 1Z0-610 Total Question 81Question: 1By default, how are sales quotas tracked in CRM On Demand?A. Quotas are tracked on the Sales Quota DashboardB. Quotas are tracked on the My Sales Quota ReportC. Quotas are tracked through automatically generated forecastsD. Quotas are tracked on the Opportunities screenAnswer: CQuestion: 2What happens if you do not map every field in your source file during an import?A. You receive a warning message, but can choose to continue without mapping the non-required fieldsB. The Next button on the mapping step does not become active until all fields are mappedC. You do not receive an alert, but no records will get imported into CRM On DemandD. You receive an alert, and cannot continue until all required and non-required fields are mappedAnswer: AQuestion: 3Bill Williams is a manager of a sales team. His role gives him Read/Create default access toaccounts. Jane J ones is a sales representative who reports to Bill Williams. Her role gives herCreate-Only default access to accounts and Read/Edit/Delete owner access. Jane owns the ACEIndustries account record in Siebel CRMOnDemand. Jane changes the owner on the ACEIndustries account to Frank Ford, a sales representative who does not report to Bill Williams, butto a sales manager on another team. What kind of access does Jane now have to the ACEIndustries record?A. No AccessB. Read/CreateC. Read/Edit/DeleteD. Read-OnlyAnswer: AQuestion: 4Siebel CRM On Demand calculates expected revenue based on the probability associated withthe sales stage and the opportunity revenue. Using the sales stage probabilities below, what isthe expected revenue of a $100,000opportunity in the Qualified Lead stage? Qualified Lead =30%Building Vision = 50%Short List = 70%Negotiation = 90%Closed/Won = 100%A. $3,000B. $70,000C. $30,000D. $100,000Answer: CQuestion: 5Your customer is concerned about the Siebel CRM On Demand environment going down,negatively affecting his business. Which of the following can you cite to reassure your customerthat Siebel CRM On Demand is designed for High Availability? Choose three.Page 1 of 19Exam Name: Siebel CRM On Demand 2006 administrator ExamExam Type: OracleExam Code: 1Z0-610 Total Question 81A. Clustered serversB. Redundancy within the hardware and network componentsC. Load BalancingD. Database de-normalizationE. JavaScript usageAnswer: A, B, CQuestion: 6Your customer is concerned about the Siebel CRM On Demand environment performing slowly,negatively affecting her business. Which of the following can you cite to reassure your customerthat Siebel CRM On Demand is designed for High Performance? Choose three.A. Load BalancingB. Extensive JavaScript usageC. Redundancy within the hardware and network componentsD. Database cachingE. Extensive indexingAnswer: A, D, EQuestion: 7Your customer is concerned about the Siebel CRM On Demand environment providi ng thenecessary security to protect their data. Which of the following can you cite to reassure yourcustomer that Siebel CRM On Demand is designed for High Security? Choose three.A. Reliable high-bandwidth Internet accessB. Single-layer LAN architecture to isolate dataC. 128-bit encryption through secure socket layer (SSL)D. System of Wireless networks providing WiFi access pointsE. Anti-virus protection at the server-levelAnswer: A, C, EQuestion: 8Which of the following settings are available to the Administrator for setting sign-in and passwordcontrols? Choose three.A. Maximum number of sign-in attempts allowedB. New password must be different from old password checkboxC. Alpha-numeric password required checkboxD. Minimum password length requirementE. Maximum password length requirementAnswer: A, B, DQuestion: 9Your company has decided to change the password requirements and force new policies intoeffect immediately. As the Administrator, what must you do?A. Click the Rese t All Passwords button on the company Profile, and then modify the password controls.B. Modify the password controls and distributes new default passwords to all users.C. Modify the password controls only. Changes take effect with each user's next login.Page 2 of 19

Exam Name: Siebel CRM On Demand 2006 administrator ExamExam Type: OracleExam Code: 1Z0-610 Total Question 81

Question: 1By default, how are sales quotas tracked in CRM On Demand?

A. Quotas are tracked on the Sales Quota DashboardB. Quotas are tracked on the My Sales Quota ReportC. Quotas are tracked through automatically generated forecastsD. Quotas are tracked on the Opportunities screen

Answer: C

Question: 2What happens if you do not map every field in your source file during an import?

A. You receive a warning message, but can choose to continue without mapping the non-required fieldsB. The Next button on the mapping step does not become active until all fields are mappedC. You do not receive an alert, but no records will get imported into CRM On DemandD. You receive an alert, and cannot continue until all required and non-required fields are mapped

Answer: A

Question: 3Bill Williams is a manager of a sales team. His role gives him Read/Create default access toaccounts. Jane Jones is a sales representative who reports to Bill Williams. Her role gives herCreate-Only default access to accounts and Read/Edit/Delete owner access. Jane owns the ACEIndustries account record in Siebel CRMOnDemand. Jane changes the owner on the ACEIndustries account to Frank Ford, a sales representative who does not report to Bill Williams, butto a sales manager on another team. What kind of access does Jane now have to the ACEIndustries record?

A. No AccessB. Read/CreateC. Read/Edit/DeleteD. Read-Only

Answer: A

Question: 4Siebel CRM On Demand calculates expected revenue based on the probability associated withthe sales stage and the opportunity revenue. Using the sales stage probabilities below, what isthe expected revenue of a $100,000opportunity in the Qualified Lead stage? Qualified Lead =30%Building Vision = 50%Short List = 70%Negotiation = 90%Closed/Won = 100%

A. $3,000B. $70,000C. $30,000D. $100,000

Answer: C

Question: 5Your customer is concerned about the Siebel CRM On Demand environment going down,negatively affecting his business. Which of the following can you cite to reassure your customerthat Siebel CRM On Demand is designed for High Availability? Choose three.

Page 1 of 19Exam Name: Siebel CRM On Demand 2006 administrator ExamExam Type: OracleExam Code: 1Z0-610 Total Question 81

A. Clustered serversB. Redundancy within the hardware and network componentsC. Load BalancingD. Database de-normalizationE. JavaScript usage

Answer: A, B, C

Question: 6Your customer is concerned about the Siebel CRM On Demand environment performing slowly,negatively affecting her business. Which of the following can you cite to reassure your customerthat Siebel CRM On Demand is designed for High Performance? Choose three.

A. Load BalancingB. Extensive JavaScript usageC. Redundancy within the hardware and network componentsD. Database cachingE. Extensive indexing

Answer: A, D, E

Question: 7Your customer is concerned about the Siebel CRM On Demand environment providing thenecessary security to protect their data. Which of the following can you cite to reassure yourcustomer that Siebel CRM On Demand is designed for High Security? Choose three.

A. Reliable high-bandwidth Internet accessB. Single-layer LAN architecture to isolate dataC. 128-bit encryption through secure socket layer (SSL)D. System of Wireless networks providing WiFi access pointsE. Anti-virus protection at the server-level

Answer: A, C, E

Question: 8Which of the following settings are available to the Administrator for setting sign-in and passwordcontrols? Choose three.

A. Maximum number of sign-in attempts allowedB. New password must be different from old password checkboxC. Alpha-numeric password required checkboxD. Minimum password length requirementE. Maximum password length requirement

Answer: A, B, D

Question: 9Your company has decided to change the password requirements and force new policies intoeffect immediately. As the Administrator, what must you do?

A. Click the Reset All Passwords button on the company Profile, and then modify the password controls.B. Modify the password controls and distributes new default passwords to all users.C. Modify the password controls only. Changes take effect with each user's next login.

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